Sunday, March 19, 2017


August 3, Henry Webber with MasterBrush Painting stops by to provide an estimate and volunteers that he had done work at 211 Hunt Road when the Exlers were here. He shares that he was asked to paint the front hallway ... specifically to cover water damage! 

August 4 - Bill Kraft with Kraft Painting came to provide an estimate and divulges extensive information about his experiences painting 211 Hunt Road. Bill says that he and his crew were hired to repair and paint over extensive water damage throughout the first floor. Robin Exler asserted that the damage was produced by Hurricane Ivan. According to Bill, Mark Exler authorized only superficial work designed to mask the problem at the least possible cost. When it came to repairing a large hole in the entryway caused by water damage, Mark refused to pay so Bill told him to find another painter.   Needless to say... none of this was disclosed to us on the legally required disclosures form.

August 12 brings yet another conversation with Henry Webber, which reveals that he has provided lots of estimates, but not done much work at 211 Hunt Road.  He confirms that he did repair water damage in several places in the front hall. He has also given estimates for water damage in the rotunda and living room. 

October 18 - Bill Kraft makes pre-painting visit. He makes repeated reference to what were in his opinion Robin Exler’s clear and conscious attempts to conceal water and other damage. He was shocked by the bowed foundation walls hidden behind the drywall in the basement, at the living room-as-litter-box phenomenon and the mouse infestation. 

The most damaging cumulative result of water pressure to the house was found in the bowed foundation walls -- which several people suggested might have to be rebuilt entirely.  Bowed foundations are nothing to mess around with.  As the chief appraiser for HUD has sad:  "The condition will not stabilize.  It's a question of how much time remains." 

Here's what a bowed foundation looks like:

Concealed Damage, Bowed Foundation Walls, Attempted Cover-Ups - Hey, Thanks Roz!
(So glad our money helped pay for some of those expensive clothes you wear.)

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