Sunday, March 19, 2017

And then there were the trees...

August 31 - Lorri and Lisa left a message for the Exlers' landscaper, Dean Aleprete, indicating they were aware he had worked at the property in the past and would like him to do additional work. He did not return the call.  Numerous repeated attempts also fail, until one day Dean is reached by surprise and he says, "I'm not allowed to talk to you people."  And hangs up the phone.

October 6 - An arborist visits 211 Hunt Road to determine why nearly all of the trees are dead or dying. He is dismayed to find that the Exlers failed to properly maintain any facet of the landscaping and concludes that most of the trees have been choked by vines that could easily have been cut down at ground level. He estimates it will take 4 days’ labor to prune, cut the vines, and remove the dead trees. Also, to prevent soil erosion and protect the natural habitat, it will be necessary to replant in the spring.  Vines kill trees.  Don't let this happen to yours.

As if the additional money weren't enough, they killed the trees! 

Thanks Roz!!

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